
Reading Eggs

The Reading eggs program focuses on developing the children’ English language as a second language in academic and everyday life. The four language skills that are focused on developing are Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing. Each lesson builds on previous successive lessons, to form and develop five major language areas: phonics and phonics, sight words, vocabulary, fluency and comprehensive.

Reading Skill

Listening Skill

Writting Skill

Speaking Skill

If your child is from 5 to 6 years old, this is a great program for them, who has little or no reading skills. This is the time when all children begin to learn to read. Via the first process of Reading eggs, your child will learn the first reading skills, including learning about sounds, names of letters, and reading first words (such as the, I, and, is, see).

With phonics, your child will be able to use letter rules, regconize words made up of letters, the spelling of letters to create a connection between letters, between the sounds and the phonetics of the spoken language. Your child will also learn the important basic sound skills needed to read 3 letter words (like cat, fan and Sam).

Children also begin to be able to read the first simple stories related to the ant Sam. At the same time, the combination of spelling, word recognition and regular contact with words will help your child succeed in four language skills.

Learning images of children